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Makale: Challenges in Representation Learning: A Report on Three Machine Learning Contests

The ICML 2013 Workshop on Challenges in Representation Learning 3 focused on three challenges: the black box learning challenge, the facial expression recognition challenge, and the multimodal learning challenge. We describe the datasets created for these challenges and summarize the results of the competitions. We provide suggestions for organizers of future challenges and some comments on what kind of knowledge can be gained from machine learning competitions.

Makale: Pylearn2: a machine learning research library

Pylearn2 is a machine learning research library. This does not just mean that it is a collection of machine learning algorithms that share a common API; it means that it has been designed for flexibility and extensibility in order to facilitate research projects that involve new or unusual use cases. In this paper we give a brief history of the library, an overview of its basic philosophy, a summary of the library’s architecture, and a description of how the Pylearn2 community functions socially.