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Makale: Can Deep Learning Help You Find The Perfect Match?

Is he/she my type or not? The answer to this question depends on the personal preferences of the one asking it. The individual process of obtaining a full answer may generally be difficult and time consuming, but often an approximate answer can be obtained simply by looking at a photo of the potential match. Such approximate answers based on visual cues can be produced in a fraction of a second, a phenomenon that has led to a series of recently successful dating apps in which users rate others positively or negatively using primarily a single photo. In this paper we explore using convolutional networks to create a model of an individual’s personal preferences based on rated photos. This introduced task is difficult due to the large number of variations in profile pictures and the noise in attractiveness labels. Toward this task we collect a dataset comprised of 9364 pictures and binary labels for each. We compare performance of convolutional models trained in three ways: first directly on the collected dataset, second with features transferred from a network trained to predict gender, and third with features transferred from a network trained on ImageNet. Our findings show that ImageNet features transfer best, producing a model that attains 68.1% accuracy on the test set and is moderately successful at predicting matches.

Ferhat Kurt

NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Sertifikalı eğitmen.

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