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NVIDIA Jetson Ankara Meetup: AI at the Edge for Robotics & Smart Cities

Etkinliğe katılanlar Jetson TX2 Developer Kiti %50 indirimle alma fırsatından faydalanabilecektir. *


Tarih/Saat: 12 Temmuz 09.30-12.00

Adres: Bilkent Cyberpark Cyberplaza Konferans Salonu
Üniversiteler Mh., 1606 Cadde Cyber Plaza B Blok Çankaya/Ankara


Enjoy a day of tech talks, demos, networking and drinks with NVIDIA AI experts and Jetson enthusiasts.

Learn about solutions using AI & ‘Inference at the Edge’ to solve commercial challenges in Autonomous Machines, Robotics, Video Analytics and Smart Cities.”

We’ll cover the latest insights on how customers use NVIDIA Jetson™ based solutions to push the limits of technology for intelligent and autonomous machines.


Who should attend?

Developers interested in AI and Edge Solutions.

Business Startups and Commercial Managers working on solutions in Autonomous Devices, Robotics, Smart Cities.

Why attend?

Come along for an evening of talks and demos from NVIDIA Jetson™ experts and learn from innovative start-ups developing solutions based on the NVIDIA Jetson Inferencing platform.


09.30 Registrations, treats, pastries and tea

10.10 Welcome – Open Zeka (Bilkent Cyberpark)

10.20 Welcome – NVIDIA – Eddie Seymour

11.00 Coffee – Tea Break

11.15 Jetson Demos by OpenZeka

11.30 Company Demos

11.59 Close

Jetson Demos

  • DeepStream
  • Jetson Inference
  • TensorRT
  • YOLO V3
  • OpenPose
  • Tensorflow Object Dectection API
  • Multimedia API
  • Visionworks 1.6
  • OpenZeka MARC

Don’t have a Jetson Developer Kit? Buy one on-site during the meetup at a %50 discounted special price of just 2.200 TL *

(*) %50 discount is valid for individual users and with limited stock.

Ferhat Kurt

NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Sertifikalı eğitmen.

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